A quick look at Talking With Tact

Product Description

Talking with Tact is about what you say and how you say it.

A quick look at Talking with Tact will help you get clearer about what your thoughts and feelings are and how to deliver them in a way that increases your chances of other people considering what you have to say.

Tact involves expressing your thoughts and feelings (to others and even to yourself) with a combination of honesty and respect.

When you don’t use tact, you either hold back from expressing yourself or deliver your message in a way that tends to come across as attacking or threatening.


DETAILS: These are the 1st editions of A quick look at Talking with Tact. Print version is 24 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", full-color, glossy. PDF version is 24 pages. 

For the 2nd Edition eBook version, click here for A quick look at Talking With Tact: Simple Powerful Assertiveness Training to Help You Tactfully Say What You Mean Without Being Mean on Amazon.


A quick look at Talking With Tact explains:

  • What not to do and What to do

  • Striking the balance between brutal honesty and silence

  • Owning your “stuff”

  • Understanding and expressing emotions, including anger

  • Using “I” messages instead of “you” messages

  • How to increase your chances of being heard

  • The connection between tact and assertiveness

I became interested in communication when I had my first child because I didn’t want to parent the way I had been parented and I realized healthy communication was a key to good parenting. I taught my first communication class about thirty years ago and further developed how to teach healthy communication after I earned degrees in Psychology and Counseling. The contents of my communication booklets have been honed and revised over many years of working with couples in my counseling private practice. My goal is always to present the how-to information clearly and simply so that it is easy to grasp and put into action.

A quick look at Talking With Tact can be used on its own or with its companion card set: Emotional Intelligence Booster.



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