Contact Info
Looking for a marriage counselor, therapist, or counselor for individual and couples' sessions, or a hypnotherapist in Washington State?
Questions about hypnosis, anxiety treatment, using my products with your clients or for yourself . . .?
Call or email me for a free consultation.
I look forward to hearing from you.
phone: 206-660-9840
email: Please complete the contact form.
1013 140th St Ct NW, Gig Harbor, WA USA 98332 (see map below)
My marriage counseling, individual counseling, and hypnotherapy office is near Gig Harbor, Key Peninsula, and Port Orchard WA, with a relaxing view of Colvos Passage and Vashon Island.
I currently offer both in-person and teletherapy sessions.
Click Here for Forms for new clients (PDF can be filled online or printed)