Blog — anxiety relief

7 Insomnia Natural Remedies

7 Insomnia Natural Remedies 0

Having trouble sleeping? You aren't alone. The CDC has declared insufficient sleep a public health epidemic. 

One in 10 people suffer from chronic insomnia. About 4 in 10 have trouble sleeping. That's a lot of people. 

I recently attended an excellent class by Dr. Catherine Darley, ND about helping clients overcome insomnia naturally. In this post, I'll pass on some of the things that stood out to me from the class along with information about insomnia that I've learned from other sources over the years. 


What's In This Post

In this article I'll cover:

  •  Signs of Insomnia
  •  3 Things to Stop Doing if You Want to Sleep
  •  Medications that Can Cause Insomnia
  •  7 Natural Remedies for Insomnia
What Are Adaptogens? How Do Adaptogens Help With Stress and Anxiety?

What Are Adaptogens? How Do Adaptogens Help With Stress and Anxiety? 0

Adaptogens are a category of plants that help you adapt to all forms of stress: noise, physical exertion, chemical toxins, cold, exhaustion, psychological stress, and so on. They simultaneously help you feel less jittery and more energetic. 

Adaptogens help you feel less anxious by moderating how your body deals with stress. They adapt and they help you adapt. They can serve as a general tonic that helps you feel better overall. 

What's In This Article

  1. Botanicals Versus Individual Nutrients
  2. How do Adaptogens Work?
  3. What Are Adaptogens?
  4. Adaptogens Versus Stimulants
  5. Adaptogen Research
  6. Adaptogen Supplements
The Four Elements for Treating Mental Health

The Four Elements for Treating Mental Health 0

While investigating research into the mental health benefits of saunas, I came across an interesting article about using the Four Elements —Fire, Water, Earth, and Air—that are at the core of many traditional approaches to health and well-being around the globe, to think about possible natural interventions for mental health improvement . . .
Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Using a Sauna

Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Using a Sauna 2

The use of heat and sweat for health, well-being, and ceremony goes back thousands of years in many cultures across the globe. Recent research is putting scientific backing behind these traditional practices and the modern use of saunas for reducing stress and improving health and mood.

“Sauna bathing, an activity used for the purposes of
pleasure, wellness, and relaxation,
is linked to a remarkable array of health benefits.”
─Mayo Clinic Proceedings, August 2018 (1)

Click Read More for: 

  1. Origins of the Word Sauna
  2. Different Types of Saunas
  3. What Are Saunas Good For?
  4. Physical Health Benefits of Using a Sauna
  5. Physical Health Benefits of Using a Sauna Research
  6. Detoxifying Health Benefits of Sweating
  7. Exercise versus Sauna Use
  8. Mental Health Benefits of Using a Sauna
  9. Mental Health Benefits of Using a Sauna Research
  10. Saunas and the Four Elements for Mental Health
  11. When to Avoid Saunas
  12. How Long to Sit in a Sauna
  13. Precautions When Using Saunas 
  14. References
What are Fractal Patterns and How Can They Calm You

What are Fractal Patterns and How Can They Calm You 0

Chances are that you've been drawn to fractals but don't know it. Fractals are repeating patterns that recur on smaller and smaller scales. These patterns are found in nature (shells, flowers, the rings of an onion), architecture, and art. 

Research shows that looking at these patterns has a calming effect. The effect can be quite profound and immediate.  

Click Read More for images of fractals in nature, food, architecture and more. 

How Weighted Blankets Work for Anxiety, Sleep, and More

How Weighted Blankets Work for Anxiety, Sleep, and More 2

If you are troubled by anxiety or have difficulty sleeping, a weighted blanket (AKA gravity blanket) may help. In this post, I'll explain what weighted blankets are, how they work, their benefits for children and adults, and what to look for when you are "weighing" your options (pun intended) to buy one. 

I've been noticing the idea of weighted blankets potentially helping people for a while, but a recent glowing testimonial from one of my anxiety clients who received a weighted blanket as a gift has put them on my list of go-to natural remedies for anxiety.

My client's experience has been that he goes to sleep more easily, stays asleep longer, and has less anxiety. That's a win/win/win that is negative side-effect free. 

Click Read More to find out:

  • What are weighted blankets?
  • How do weighted blankets work?
  • Weighted Blanket Benefits for Children and Adults
  • The Research Behind Weighted Blanket Benefits for Anxiety and Sleep
  • 12 Considerations When Buying a Weighted Blanket
  • Who Should NOT Use a Weighted Blanket