10 Daily Positive Self-Confidence Affirmations 0
Positive affirmation statements can be used throughout your day to help you gain self-confidence and self-esteem. They can cheer you on through challenges big and small.
These Silver Lining Affirmations are super simple and intended to put a smile on your face and empower you when you think of them.
Even if you don't start out believing these self-affirming statements -- fake it until you can make it. The negative messages you've been telling yourself need to go!
Click "Read More" for 10 positive self-confidence affirmations to help you feel better and achieve more.
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: affirmations self-esteem and self-confidence

What is assertive communication and behavior? 0
Assertive behavior and communication often get confused with aggression, but there is a difference between being assertive and being aggressive.
Aggressive behavior is assertiveness taken too far.
On the other hand, passive behavior is not assertive enough.
Healthy assertive behavior lies in the middle of the continuum between passive and aggressive.
Healthy assertive communication is. . .
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: emotional intelligence relationship skills self-esteem and self-confidence