Blog — self-esteem and self-confidence

Tackle Emotional Triggers: Learn What Sets You Off

Tackle Emotional Triggers: Learn What Sets You Off 0

Emotional triggers are feelings, events, situations, places, people, and things that propel overreactions, anxiety, anger, withdrawal, or other negative automatic responses. They are often associated with negative past experiences that get tapped into by current events. 

Recognizing and managing your triggers is vital for your own well-being, happy relationships, and career success. 

What Is Mental Filtering? Exposing This Cognitive Distortion

What Is Mental Filtering? Exposing This Cognitive Distortion 0

Mental filtering is one of the most common cognitive distortions, impacting your outlook by causing a hyperfocus on the negative while ignoring the positive.

If you've ever allowed one small piece of constructive criticism to overshadow lots of positive feedback for a job well done, that’s an example of the mental filter cognitive distortion.

Over time, these negative thought patterns undermine your self-esteem, relationships, and career path, while boosting stress, anxiety, and even depression.

By learning to recognize mental filtering and using tools to address it, you can gradually reshape your mindset toward a more balanced and realistic view.

Let’s explore what mental filtering is, its effects, and practical ways to counteract it.

15 Important High Emotional Intelligence Benefits

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Have you ever wondered why some people seem to excel in their personal and professional lives, while others struggle to find success?

The answer may lie in their level of emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is a term that has gained significant attention in recent years. It refers to your ability to understand, use, manage, and express your emotions, as well as the ability to recognize and understand the emotions of others. 

I have been helping people build their emotional intelligence for decades. I am more and more convinced that it is the key to personal happiness, successful relationships, and healthy communities. 

In this article, we will explore the research-based benefits of having a high emotional intelligence quotient. So, if you're curious about how emotional intelligence can benefit you, keep reading to discover the key advantages it offers.


Guilt v Shame: What's the Difference?

Guilt v Shame: What's the Difference? 0

Shame, guilt, and regret are emotional siblings that help point out where we’re going wrong. They have the potential to make your life better and better. They also have the potential of weighing you down. 

Part of being human is making mistakes. The question isn’t whether you’ll make mistakes. The question is: what will you do with your mistakes? 

This post will help you put your mistakes into perspective and turn associated guilt or regret into tools for upleveling your life. It will also help you let go of shame that binds you. 

Quotes to Inspire You to Stop Toxic Perfectionism

Quotes to Inspire You to Stop Toxic Perfectionism 2

You may think that perfectionism helps people get things done. It doesn't.

You might think that perfectionism helps people get things done well. It doesn't.

You might think that perfectionism helps people be better partners and parents. It doesn't.

The reality is that perfectionism is toxic to relationships and life. It wears out the perfectionistic person and people they are close to.

Perfectionists are chronically disappointed in themselves and others. They have trouble trying to do things because of being immobilized by fear of failure.

Here's a collection of the best quotes to help inspire you to be happy in your imperfection. 

Cognitive Distortions: Overcoming Negative Mind Traps

Cognitive Distortions: Overcoming Negative Mind Traps 0

The way you look at things may be making those things feel worse than they really are. Your view of yourself and the world around you can get distorted by some negative thought patterns that are so common that they have a name: cognitive distortions

Learning how to spot cognitive distortions like polarized thinkingovergeneralization, and catastrophizing can lift your mood and help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.