Emotions are tools that let us know what is going on between us and the world.
But, most people find them confusing and overwhelming.
I've found ways to explain emotions that take out the mystery. I make them more concrete, understandable and usable.
Through decades of working with clients, I've created products that help you:
label your emotions and gather the information they have to offer,
understand overreactions,
manage anger,
build Emotional Intelligence (EI),
let go of emotional burdens,
deal with emotional discomfort (including anxiety and stress),
and increase the skill of joy,
and much more.
Check out these products:
Help Building Emotional Intelligence
Discover Calm, Anti-Anxiety Hypnosis Download (mp3)
Feeling stressed, anxious, worried or nervous? Your mind going around in circles making it difficult to concentrate or sleep? Feeling jittery, wound up, or worn out? Discover Calm Anti-Anxiety Hypnosis or Meditation for stress and anxiety relief is a potent and side-effect-free natural anxiety remedy. I developed Discover Calm Anti-Anxiety Hypn...