Panic Attack Symptoms 0
Panic typically starts with emotional causes but those emotions stimulate intense physical symptoms that mimic heart attacks and other scary physical symptoms.
One of the common repercussions of having a panic attack is that from that point forward you can get anxiety about the potential of having another attack. You get anxiety about the anxiety.
Journal Away Your Stress 0
Studies show that when people write about stressful situations—and they include the emotional component—their physical health improves.
The studies’ control group that wrote about troubling situations, but did not include the emotional component, did not show health improvements.
As one of my clients recently described the benefit she found from journaling about a troubling situation that was stressing her out: “I felt so much better after I journaled about my feelings. It’s like it got the anxiety out of me instead of just having it churning in my head.”
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: anxiety emotional intelligence stress
Beware of Taking on Other People’s Emotions 0
Sometimes, we take on other people’s emotional overflow like a sponge absorbing a toxic spill. If you take on other people’s stuff, you may have no room left for yours. This can contribute to you getting overwhelmed and anxious relatively easy.
Click Read More to discover how and why you may have absorbed other people's toxic emotions, and how to protect yourself.
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: anxiety emotional intelligence stress
Use Hypnosis or Guided Meditation for stress relief 0
Hypnosis and guided mediation are extremely well suited to help with stress and anxiety because they are based on helping you relax. They are an anti-anxiety pill without the pill (and without the side effects).
I have had tremendous results using hypnosis to help people with various levels of stress and anxiety – from mild stress to anxiety that’s so debilitating that they can’t pass an exam that they have the knowledge to pass, or take a flight, or go into a store.
Relaxing breathing exercise 1
Anxious stressed breathing is often shallow breathing.
Deep breaths relax your mind by helping you focus on something other than your worries and relax your body by oxygenating your cells. I think of it as bathing your nerve endings in oxygen--so that the electrical currents jump the nerve ending synapses more smoothly and you feel less frazzled and edgy.
The video below shows Dr Andrew Weil, MD, demonstrating the yoga 4-7-8 breathing exercise.
How to Stop Negative Self-Talk 0
You can be your own worst enemy. Negative critical messages you say to yourself can rev up your stress, hold you back, and take you down!
When I was devouring self-help books in my 30’s, one of the books I read was “Mind Traps.” It’s a huge book but the basic concept is simple: What you say to yourself is important. You don’t have to keep repeating the negative messages.
The book spurred me on to notice what I was saying to myself.
Read on for:
- examples of negative self-talk
- 3 Steps for How to Stop Negative Self-talk, and
- a negative self-talk extinguishing exercise
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: anxiety emotional intelligence happiness stress