Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Relationship and Legal Battles Timeline 10
Are you having trouble sorting out who's telling the truth as Johnny Depp and Amber Heard accuse each other of domestic violence?
As a counselor who has done a lot of research into domestic violence and written several books about partner abuse, including a book about women abusing men, I've been watching this case with a great deal of interest.
I decided to do a deep dive into Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's tumultuous relationship. I've realized that this is an ongoing project, but I've unearthed so much troubling information that I decided to create a timeline to make sense of the many twists and turns.
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: abuse OF men BY women partner abuse

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard May 2016 Domestic Violence Abuse Accusation, What Happened? 0
Are you wondering who is telling the truth in the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard battle of competing domestic violence accusations?
In this post, I look at one incident in which Amber claims Johnny was violent and Johnny claims Amber is lying: the May 21, 2016 fight. It happens on one of the last times Amber and Johnny were ever together, and was followed shortly by Amber filing for divorce and requesting an emergency court hearing to get a restraining order against Johnny.
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: abuse OF men BY women partner abuse

Richard Syrett Radio Interview About Abuse Of Men by Women 0
During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I had a great interview on a radio station in Ontario, Canada about the realities of partner abuse when a man is abused by his abusive wife or girlfriend.Listen to the recording of my interview on the Richard Syrett show on News Talk Sauga 960 AM and/or take a look at the transcript that I included in this post.
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: abuse OF men BY women partner abuse

Love Shouldn't Hurt. A Battered Husband's Story. 1
Most people don't understand the depth and frequency of domestic violence against men by abusive wives and girlfriends. Would you know how to help a friend if he said, "My wife beats me up. What should I do?" Would you even take him seriously? Reading this battered husband's story can help open your eyes to the reality of physical abuse when it is perpetrated by a woman on a man.- Ann Silvers
- Tags: abuse OF men BY women partner abuse

Why is it So Hard To Recognize Abuse OF Men BY Women as a Problem? 0
People recognize that a man behaving in an abusive way toward his wife or girlfriend is a bad thing. Male-to-female partner abuse is rightfully condemned.
But flip the genders and that same controlling, demeaning, or punishing behavior is far too often ignored, condoned, supported, or laughed at.
Why is that?
Why is it so hard for people to label controlling, demeaning, or punishing behavior as abusive when a woman is doing it to a man.
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: abuse OF men BY women partner abuse

Partner Abuse Books by Ann Silvers 0
I understand partner abuse because I’ve witnessed it, studied it, and lived it.- I have a legacy of abuse on both sides of my family tree.
- I know what it is like to be the target of abuse from a partner.
- I've studied about partner abuse.
- I've counseled people dealing with partner abuse.
All that learning comes together in my books about partner abuse and domestic violence.
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: abuse OF men BY women partner abuse