Blog — partner abuse

Signs of a Controlling Woman

Signs of a Controlling Woman 5

Are you living with a controlling wife or girlfriend?
Or dealing with a controlling ex-wife?
Is a man you know and care about dealing with a controlling woman?


Abusive women can use their words, tone, and/or body language to manipulate and exert control over their partners in an instant, or over time by wearing them down or conditioning.

Click Read More to learn:

  • What a Controlling Woman May Try to Control
  • Controlling Behavior Patterns
  • Characteristics of a Controlling Woman
Parental Alienation Hurts

Parental Alienation Hurts 1

In Parental Alienation (sometimes called Parent Alienation) one parent intentionally alienates their children from the other parent. It is emotionally abusive not only to the alienated parent--it is also abusive to the children.

What we are talking about here is different from normal estrangement that might occur between children and their parents because of expected stages of development or actual bad acts of the parents they are rejecting. It is a distortion of the intentions, attitudes and behaviors of the alienated parent.

Click the Read More button to find out:

  • The Definition of Parental Alienation
  • Parental Alienation: Syndrome or Not
  • The 3 Alienating Messages
  • When Does Parent Alienation Happen?
  • Parental Alienation Example
Why do men abuse women?

Why do men abuse women? 3

Why do men verbally, physically, emotionally, financially, psychologically, sexually . . . abuse women who are their partners?

The overarching conscious or subconscious goals of partner abuse are to demean, control, or punish; but why does a particular man treat his partner that way?

Some people think that there is only one reason why a man abuses a woman. They blame it 100% on patriarchy. They think it is always and only about male privilege. But I think that there are many reasons why a particular man might abuse his wife or girlfriend. And I think that patriarchy has less and less to do with it. 

Click to read 

71 Answers to the Question: Why do Men Abuse Women?

Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Wife or Girlfriend

Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Wife or Girlfriend 33

Are you living with an emotionally abusive wife, girlfriend, ex-wife, or ex-girlfriend?

Or dealing with a psychologically abusive female partner or ex?

Wondering, "Am I being emotionally abused?"

Is a man you know and care about suffering under the weight of emotional abuse from a woman?


This is how one man describes the relationship that nearly destroyed him:

“My ex-girlfriend was an emotional terrorist.”

Emotional and psychological abuses tear a person up inside.

Emotionally abused partners feel drained, distracted, and debilitated. 

How to Spot a Sociopathic Liar

How to Spot a Sociopathic Liar 33

Creating elaborate lies for their own gain with no care about who gets hurt is a hallmark of a sociopathic liar. Sociopaths are compulsive pathological liars. 

Sociopaths lie without conscience.

That means that they can look you right in the eye and lie to you and not show the usual markers that would give them away.

Click Read More to find out:

  • how to spot a sociopathic liar
  • what is a sociopath and psychopath definition
  • the characteristics of sociopathic lying
  • why sociopaths lie
  • and more
What is Gaslighting Emotional Abuse?

What is Gaslighting Emotional Abuse? 0

Gaslighting is a crazy-making form of emotional abuse.

Gaslighting occurs when someone intentionally twists your perception of reality for their own gain.

    Click the "Read More" tab for: 

    • Gaslighting Meaning and Definition
    • The Origins of the Term Gaslighting
    • Why do Gaslighters Gaslight?
    • 3 Toxic Tactics of Gaslighters: Denial, Trivializing, Withholding
    • Denial Mind Games: How Gaslighters Twist Your Memories and Experiences
    • Gaslighting infographic