Blog — partner abuse

Why Do People Stay in Abusive Relationships

Why Do People Stay in Abusive Relationships 0

From the outside, breaking free of an abusive relationship may seem simple. If you’re unhappy, just go! But it’s not at all simple when it’s happening to you.

There are many reasons why people choose to stay in abusive relationships, even those that are very abusive.

An individual’s reasons may be complex and deeply rooted in private and cultural patterns or it may simply be that they know of no practical alternative.


Patriarchy Isn't The Only or Main Reason for Partner Abuse

Patriarchy Isn't The Only or Main Reason for Partner Abuse 0

The over emphasis of patriarchy as the reason for partner abuse and domestic violence is ill-placed and actually gets in the way of reducing the occurrence of partner abuse and thwarts repairing people's lives.

What's in This Post

  • What is partner abuse?
  • The Patriarchal Cause Theory
  • Why Abusive People Abuse Their Partners
  • Reasons for Behavior Don't Excuse Behavior
  • 71 Reasons Why Partners Abuse
The Pain and Strain of Dealing with an Abusive Wife: An Abused Husband's Story

The Pain and Strain of Dealing with an Abusive Wife: An Abused Husband's Story 1

This man's story of his life with an abusive wife is compelling, gut-wrenching, and ultimately—inspiring. 

It's a must read for any man who's wondered why his relationship is so painful, why he can't seem to please his wife or girlfriend no matter what he does, or is spinning with deciding whether to stay in a difficult relationship or end it.

It's important education for men who want to arm themselves with information so they can avoid being pulled into relationships with abusive bullying women. 

And it is invaluable in expanding the conversation about the reality of partner abuse when the target of the abuse is a man and the source of the abuse is a woman. 

Gaslighting Decoded: Insights and Quotes from Experts

Gaslighting Decoded: Insights and Quotes from Experts 0

Gaslighting will make you question your perception of reality. It can make you feel so unsure of yourself that you'll not only doubt your version of events--you'll absorb the gaslighter's version as if it's real. 

Read on for gaslighting quotes to hear how experts define and describe gaslighting. 

Self-Help and Helper-Help Books by Therapist Ann Silvers

Self-Help and Helper-Help Books by Therapist Ann Silvers 0

Through decades of working with counseling clients as individuals and couples, I've learned a lot about what helps people build healthier, happier, and more successful lives and relationships.

I've drawn on that experience to create self-help and helper-help books designed for individuals' personal use and as professional resources for teachers, counselors, therapists, and group leaders to assist their work with students and clients.

I'm up to 16 books published!

Topics include anxiety relief, what works and doesn't work in relationships, and emotional intelligence skills, among others.

Here are links for each. Some links are for the site you are currently on, and some are for Amazon. Listing books on Amazon allows each copy to be printed on demand when it is ordered—no matter where in the world you are.

The Amazon links are for (US), but the books are also available from Amazon in other countries, such as,, etc.

Characteristics and Traits of a Narcissist

Characteristics and Traits of a Narcissist 0

Narcissists see themselves as high achieving, independent of whether or not they are high achieving. From their perspective, they are the most important person in the room. They are arrogant and angered by anyone that they perceive to not be catering to their spoken or unspoken “needs.” 

Click Read More to learn

  • Narcissist Definition
  • Narcissist Symptoms and Characteristics
  • Narcissism, Malignant Narcissism, and Sociopathy
  • Narcissistic Wives, Girlfriends, Husbands, and Wives