20 Best Famous Dr Seuss Quotes with Graphics 2
I loved reading Dr. Seuss books to my kids. The way he presented simple uplifting ideas with rhythm and rhyme made them so much fun. Now, I find that I am inspired and energized by many of those same sentences and also by other quotes from the author. Here's my collection of the 20 best famous Dr. Seuss quotes.- Ann Silvers
- Tags: anxiety happiness self-esteem and self-confidence stress
75 Journal Prompts to Help You Practice the Attitude of Gratitude 0
Having a regular practice of gratitude can increase your happiness. Studies show that taking the time to notice what you are grateful for benefits both mental and physical health.
Studies also show that the impact of keeping a general gratitude journal diminishes after several weeks. I think it's because it becomes repetitive if you don't have some prompts to help you focus on different things you are grateful for. So -- I created journal prompts to help stimulate your thoughts about what you are grateful for and help you mix it up so you can keep the positive benefits coming.
This article includes:
- a definition of gratitude from happiness researchers
- the benefits of gratitude
- gratitude prompts to keep your journalling fresh and inspired
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: emotional intelligence happiness
Brene Brown Vulnerability Definition and Quotes with Images 1
Brené Brown is a world-famous social work research professor who has spent decades studying and teaching about courage, vulnerability, and shame. Her TED talk, Power of Vulnerability, is one of the top five most viewed TED talks in the world with over 35 million views
Click through for Brené Brown's definition of vulnerability and 10 of her inspiring thought-provoking quotes.
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: anxiety anxiety relief emotional intelligence happiness stress
Therapeutic Photography 0
Taking pics, processing them, and posting them on social media might be more therapeutic than you realize.
I recently discovered the concept of Therapeutic Photography: the use of photography by an individual or group to improve mental health. I think that you don't have to necessarily set out to use photography as therapy to have the therapeutic benefits, but becoming more aware of how it can help your mind and mood might boost the benefits.
Therapeutic Benefits of Photography
There is a long list of potential mental health gains from taking pics, processing them, and discussing them.
Therapeutic photography can provide opportunities to:
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: anxiety anxiety relief happiness stress
How to Forgive Yourself Quotes and Tips 2
Healthy forgiveness involves assessing mistakes and releasing resentment for those mistakes. It’s not only important to be able to forgive other people. It’s also important to be able to forgive yourself too.
Shame, guilt, and regret are emotions that are meant to make us notice when something we did hurt our self or others. Once you’ve paid attention to that message and made adjustments accordingly, it does not serve you or anyone else for you to wallow in the shame, guilt or regret.
Click Read More for inspiring quotes and 3 Steps for Self Forgiveness.
- Ann Silvers
- Tags: anxiety anxiety relief emotional intelligence happiness
8 Life Tips for How to be a Happier Person 0
Joy and happiness are more skill than circumstance. Here are 8 easy-to-use strategies to boost the positive feelings you get from everyday events and become a happier person. Four of them are in the "what to do" category and four are "what not to do".- Ann Silvers
- Tags: anxiety relief emotional intelligence happiness