Blog — happiness

Quotes to Inspire You to Stop Toxic Perfectionism

Quotes to Inspire You to Stop Toxic Perfectionism 2

You may think that perfectionism helps people get things done. It doesn't.

You might think that perfectionism helps people get things done well. It doesn't.

You might think that perfectionism helps people be better partners and parents. It doesn't.

The reality is that perfectionism is toxic to relationships and life. It wears out the perfectionistic person and people they are close to.

Perfectionists are chronically disappointed in themselves and others. They have trouble trying to do things because of being immobilized by fear of failure.

Here's a collection of the best quotes to help inspire you to be happy in your imperfection. 

Best Ruth Bader Ginsburg, RBG, Quotes with Graphics

Best Ruth Bader Ginsburg, RBG, Quotes with Graphics 0

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, The Notorious RBG, was small in stature but a giant in fighting for gender rights, civil rights, and a better world. 

She was the second woman to be appointed to the US Supreme Court where she worked tirelessly for decades through many bouts of cancer and the loss of her beloved husband.

To commemorate of her passing in September 2020, I offer this post of my favorite quotes from Justice RBG. 

Lotus Flower: Meaning, Symbolism, and Inspirational Quotes with Graphics

Lotus Flower: Meaning, Symbolism, and Inspirational Quotes with Graphics 0

Lotus flowers are inspiring for their beautiful blossoms that show above water while their rootstheir beginningsare formed in the mud below. Without the mud there is no lotus.

Here's a collection of 20 quotes about the symbolism and meaning of the lotus flower. Hopefully, they will inspire, encourage, and uplift you to get through challenges and figure out how to turn those challenges into sources of growth. 

Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up: Silver Lining Emotional Detox Journal and Workbook

Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up: Silver Lining Emotional Detox Journal and Workbook 0

My Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up: Silver Lining Emotional Detox Journal & Workbook can help you process anything that weighs you down, stresses you out, or keeps you stuck so that you can learn from challenging experiences and feel lighter and happier. 

Click Read More to find out how Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up can help you. 

Loving Kindness Meditation for Challenging Times

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This version of the ancient loving-kindness meditation known as Metta has four simple short phrases that seem perfect for getting through our current challenges. The phrases speak to safety, happiness, health, and ease of mind. All things that we are worried about in the midst of the COVID-19 dangers, unknowns, and changes. 

Loving-kindness meditation appears in different variations, but the intention and basic simplicity are consistent across different forms. It has the potential of relieving your stress, calming your anxiety, and lifting you up in everyday situations and in challenging times. 

Self-Help and Helper-Help Books by Therapist Ann Silvers

Self-Help and Helper-Help Books by Therapist Ann Silvers 0

Through decades of working with counseling clients as individuals and couples, I've learned a lot about what helps people build healthier, happier, and more successful lives and relationships.

I've drawn on that experience to create self-help and helper-help books designed for individuals' personal use and as professional resources for teachers, counselors, therapists, and group leaders to assist their work with students and clients.

I'm up to 16 books published!

Topics include anxiety relief, what works and doesn't work in relationships, and emotional intelligence skills, among others.

Here are links for each. Some links are for the site you are currently on, and some are for Amazon. Listing books on Amazon allows each copy to be printed on demand when it is ordered—no matter where in the world you are.

The Amazon links are for (US), but the books are also available from Amazon in other countries, such as,, etc.