Blog — emotional intelligence

What is Patience? Best Patience Quotes and Definitions

What is Patience? Best Patience Quotes and Definitions 2

Patience is both a skill and a quality. It is the ability to wait for things. It isn’t a passive thing. It’s an active thing. It is the balance between the two extremes of impatience and complacency.

Click for definitions of patience and inspiring quotes to help you develop the skill of healthy patience. 

Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up: Silver Lining Emotional Detox Journal and Workbook

Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up: Silver Lining Emotional Detox Journal and Workbook 0

My Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up: Silver Lining Emotional Detox Journal & Workbook can help you process anything that weighs you down, stresses you out, or keeps you stuck so that you can learn from challenging experiences and feel lighter and happier. 

Click Read More to find out how Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up can help you. 

The Positive Benefits of Journaling

The Positive Benefits of Journaling 0

Research shows that journaling can improve both your mental and physical health―when it follows some simple rules. It's not about just recounting the facts of your life story. That kind of journaling doesn't provide the health pluses. You have to go deeper.

Journaling can help you digest the past, process the present, and plan for the future.

It can decrease negative emotions and increase positive ones.

What's In This Post

  • Mental Health Benefits of Journaling
  • Physical Health Benefits of Journaling
  • Research-Based Journaling Techniques for Processing Emotional Pain
  • References for Benefits of Journaling, Best Journaling Techniques, Therapeutic Journal Prompts, Journal Writing Ideas, and How to Journal for Mental Health
Self-Help and Helper-Help Books by Therapist Ann Silvers

Self-Help and Helper-Help Books by Therapist Ann Silvers 0

Through decades of working with counseling clients as individuals and couples, I've learned a lot about what helps people build healthier, happier, and more successful lives and relationships.

I've drawn on that experience to create self-help and helper-help books designed for individuals' personal use and as professional resources for teachers, counselors, therapists, and group leaders to assist their work with students and clients.

I'm up to 16 books published!

Topics include anxiety relief, what works and doesn't work in relationships, and emotional intelligence skills, among others.

Here are links for each. Some links are for the site you are currently on, and some are for Amazon. Listing books on Amazon allows each copy to be printed on demand when it is ordered—no matter where in the world you are.

The Amazon links are for (US), but the books are also available from Amazon in other countries, such as,, etc.

Six Positive Characteristics of Dyslexia

Six Positive Characteristics of Dyslexia 5

People with dyslexia struggle with reading, writing, and mental math because of the way their brains are wired. But that same wiring gives them benefits.

Research has shown that dyslexics shine in many ways. They tend to be exceptional at seeing the big picture, creative problem-solving, and managing people and resources.

Businesses can benefit from boosting their neuro-diversity by including dyslexics in their workforce. 

Click Read More to learn about dyslexia's six superpowers:

  1. Imagining
  2. Visualizing
  3. Communicating
  4. Reasoning
  5. Connecting
  6. Exploring
75 Journal Prompts to Help You Practice the Attitude of Gratitude

75 Journal Prompts to Help You Practice the Attitude of Gratitude 0

Having a regular practice of gratitude can increase your happiness. Studies show that taking the time to notice what you are grateful for benefits both mental and physical health.

Studies also show that the impact of keeping a general gratitude journal diminishes after several weeks. I think it's because it becomes repetitive if you don't have some prompts to help you focus on different things you are grateful for. So -- I created journal prompts to help stimulate your thoughts about what you are grateful for and help you mix it up so you can keep the positive benefits coming.

This article includes:

  • a definition of gratitude from happiness researchers
  • the benefits of gratitude
  • gratitude prompts to keep your journalling fresh and inspired