Emotional Intelligence Quotes with Graphics

Emotional Intelligence Quotes with Graphics

Emotional intelligence (also known as EI or EQ) is a crucial skill that can greatly impact your personal and professional life. But what is Emotional Intelligence and how do you get it?

In today's stressful world, emotional intelligence is more important than ever. Emotional intelligence research has shown that individuals with high EQ tend to have better mental health, stronger relationships, and greater success in their careers. I have been studying and teaching emotion and relationship skills for decades and have seen these EI benefits firsthand. 

Quotes have a unique way of capturing complex concepts and distilling them into concise and impactful messages. 

This article has 10 of the best emotional intelligence quotes paired with graphics to clarify and boost their message. 


Read on for 10 Emotional Intelligence quotes about:

  • Definitions of Emotional Intelligence,
  • The Importance of Emotional Intelligence,
  • 4 Aspects and Domains of Emotional Intelligence,
  • Emotional Intelligence vs IQ (EQ vs IQ), and
  • What Emotions Can Do For You.

PLUS, Emotional Intelligence Exercises and Resources 


    What is Emotional Intelligence?

    Here's my simple answer to the question "What is Emotional Intelligence?":

    Emotional Intelligence (aka EI or EQ) is wisdom about, and ability to deal with, emotions.


    The Good News about Emotional Intelligence 

    Emotional intelligence is developed, not automatic or static. That's good news. That means you can start from where you are and increase your EI. 


    Building Skills to Uplevel Life: Silver Lining Emotional Intelligence Workbook



    Here are 10 Emotional Intelligence Quotes with graphics to help you understand what EQ is and inspire you to learn how to use emotions constructively in your life.

    The Importance of Emotional Intelligence 

    1. Learning how to identify your emotions and use the information they have to offer is like having a superpower.

    “When awareness is brought to an emotion,
    power is brought to your life."

    —Tara Meyer Robson

    Importance of emotional intelligence quote . “When awareness is brought to an emotion, power is brought to your life.” —Tara Meyer Robson Emotional intelligence psychology definition.  What is EI and EQ. Learn about types of emotions and definition of feelings and emotions.


    2. University Professor and Relationship Expert, John Gottman, has this to say about the importance of emotional intelligence: 

    "In the last decade or so,
    science has discovered a tremendous amount
    about the role emotions play in our lives.
    Researchers have found that even more than IQ,
    your emotional awareness and abilities to handle feelings
    will determine your success and happiness in all walks of life,
    including family relationships."

                     —John Gottman, Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child


    Importance of emotional intelligence John Gottman quote. Emotional intelligence psychology definition.  What is EI and EQ. Learn about types of emotions and definition of feelings and emotions. Where emotions come from. Emotions definition and type. What are feelings and emotions. Emotional intelligence in relationships.


    3. Daniel Goleman popularized the subject of emotional intelligence with his best selling books, including his 1995 book simply titled Emotional Intelligence. In Goleman's theory of emotional intelligence, EQ is at least as important as IQ when it comes to success and achievement in all parts of life. 

    “What really matters
    for success, character, happiness and life long achievements
    is a definite set of emotional skills
    — your EQ —
    not just purely cognitive abilities that are measured by conventional IQ tests.”
    —Daniel Goleman


    mportance of emotional intelligence quote. Goleman theory of emotional intelligence model.  Emotional intelligence psychology definition.  What is EI and EQ. Learn about types of emotions and definition of feelings and emotions. Where emotions come from. Emotions definition and type. What are feelings and emotions. Emotional intelligence in relationships.



    Emotional Intelligence Booster Card Set for adults, teens and children. Emotional Intelligence activities for adults, teens and children. Emotional Intelligence social skills. What is EI and EQ. Learn about types of emotions and definition of feelings and emotions. Where emotions come from. Emotions definition and type. What are feelings and emotions. Emotional intelligence in relationships.



    4. Here's a quote from Daniel Goleman about the cost of not taking care of your emotional awareness, understanding, and skills.

    "If your emotional abilities aren't in hand,
    if you don't have self-awareness,
    if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions,
    if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships,
    no matter how smart you are,
    you are not going to get very far."

    —Daniel Goleman

    Importance of emotional intelligence quote. Goleman theory of emotional intelligence model. Emotional intelligence psychology definition.  What is EI and EQ. Learn about types of emotions and definition of feelings and emotions. Where emotions come from. Emotions definition and type. What are feelings and emotions. Emotional intelligence in relationships.


    Emotional Intelligence Psychology Definition 


    5. I've already given you my simple definition of Emotional Intelligence. Here's John Mayer and Peter Salovey's original definition of Emotional Intelligence from 1990:

    “We define emotional intelligence as
    the subset of social intelligence
    that involves the ability to monitor
    one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions,
    to discriminate among them
    and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions.”
    — Salovey and Mayer

    Salovey and Mayer definition of emotional intelligence quote. Emotional intelligence psychology definition.  What is EI and EQ. Learn about types of emotions and definition of feelings and emotions. Where emotions come from. Emotions definition and type. What are feelings and emotions. Emotional intelligence in relationships.


     6. Neuroscientist, Robert Cooper, author of Executive EQ: Emotional Intelligence in Leadership & Organizations, defines Emotional Intelligence this way:

    "Emotional intelligence is the ability to
    sense, understand, and effectively apply
    the power and acumen of emotions
    as a source of human
    energy, information, connection, and influence." 
    —Robert K. Cooper. Ph.D.

    Robert K. Cooper definition of emotional intelligence quote. Emotional intelligence psychology definition.  What is EI and EQ. Learn about types of emotions and definition of feelings and emotions. Where emotions come from. Emotions definition and type. What are feelings and emotions. Emotional intelligence in relationships.


    Four Aspects of Emotional Intelligence


    7. In Emotional Intelligence theory, there are 4 aspects or domains of Emotional Intelligence. John Mayer and Peter Salovey describe the four areas to work on to become emotionally smart very simply:

    The emotionally intelligent person is skilled in four areas:
    identifying emotions,
    using emotions,
    understanding emotions,
    regulating emotions.”
    —John Mayer and Peter Salovey

    Aspects and domains of emotional intelligence John Mayer and Peter Salovey quote. Emotional intelligence psychology definition.  What is EI and EQ. Learn about types of emotions and definition of feelings and emotions. Where emotions come from. Emotions definition and type. What are feelings and emotions. Emotional intelligence in relationships.



    Emotional Intelligence vs. IQ


    8. EQ vs IQ is not an either-or thing. It's a both-and thing. It is not intellect over emotion, or vice-versa. You function at your maximum potential when you learn to use both the information in your emotions and other sources of information together.  

    “It is very important to understand that
    emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence,
    it is not the triumph of heart over head
    --it is the unique intersection of both.
    —David Caruso


    Emotional Intelligence vs IQ. intellect vs emotion, intellect over emotion David Caruso Quote. Importance of emotional intelligence quote. Emotional intelligence psychology definition.  What is EI and EQ. Learn about types of emotions and definition of feelings and emotions. Where emotions come from. Emotions definition and type. What are feelings and emotions. Emotional intelligence in relationships.


    9. Neuroscientist, Antonio Damasio's take on intellect vs emotion:

    “Emotions and reason are intertwined,
    and both are critical to problem solving.
    —Antonio Damasio

    Emotional Intelligence vs IQ. intellect vs emotion, intellect over emotion Antonio Damasio Quote. Importance of emotional intelligence quote. Emotional intelligence psychology definition.  What is EI and EQ. Learn about types of emotions and definition of feelings and emotions. Where emotions come from. Emotions definition and type. What are feelings and emotions. Emotional intelligence in relationships.

    What are emotions? What can emotions do for you?


    10. From my perspective, emotions are information. Emotions help you know what is going on between you and the world. They are like your own personal radar system always going out and bringing back pings of information. The better you are at labeling your emotions, understanding them, and using the information they have to offer, the better your life is.


    What is EI and EQ. Learn about types of emotions and definition of feelings and emotions. Where emotions come from. Emotions definition and type. What are feelings and emotions. Emotional intelligence in relationships.


    Emotional Intelligence Exercises and Resources 

    For more answers to your emotional questions and help learning how to increase your Emotional Intelligence, check out my EI-related activities, books, and recordings created through decades of helping people like you understand emotions and boost their EI to superpower status. 


    Building Skills to Uplevel Life: Silver Lining Emotional Intelligence Workbook




    A quick look at Demystifying Emotions: Simple Powerful Tips to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence and Help You Stop Overreacting

    Emotional Intelligence Booster, emotional intelligence skills exercises



    Release and Refresh Emotional Detox Hypnosis



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