How to Make a Vision Board for FREE

It’s difficult to get somewhere if you don’t know where you’re going. Picturing the life you want can help make it happen. Making a vision board can help make your dreams a reality.
This fun project can help you get unstuck, be the person you want to be, live the life you want to live, and get where you want to go.
I recently made a vision board to fulfill a marketing class assignment. I was surprised by the motivating power of this simple project.
Through trial and error I found some free digital tools that made it easy. I’m passing them on to you so you don’t have to have the frustrating error part. You get to have the easy way.
What's in This Article
What is a vision board? |
The Benefits of Making a Vision Board |
My Experience with a Vision Board |
Example of Vision Board Success: My Sister’s Story |
3 Steps for Creating a Vison Board |
Resources to Increase Your Vision Board Success |
What is a Vision Board?
A vision board is basically a collage of graphics that represent what you want your life to look like. It often includes photos, text, and other creative elements.
It may be focused on one area of life or many. (I’m going to talk about the many areas of life version but you decide what you want to include in your vision.)
Vision boards are also called dream boards, so this article is also a good source for how to make a dream board.
The Benefits of Making a Vision Board
Creating a vision board for the life you want helps set your intention. That helps you reach your goals in a couple of ways.
It helps motivate you to work toward your goals and get past roadblocks.
There is a mysterious power that seems to get set into motion helping you get where you want to go.
The Mysterious Power
I don’t want to get all woo-woo on you but there does seem to be an extra something that assists with the attainment of your clear vision.
There are a variety of explanations for this mysterious power.
Maybe it’s a spiritual power. Maybe it’s that when you are clear about your vision you are better at recognizing the opportunities to take steps toward that vision. Maybe it’s something else. Maybe it’s all of it.
My Experience with a Vision Board
The very next morning after I finished my vision board, I realized a positive effect on my life. I had that moment of wavering about doing my morning workout. I immediately flashed on a strong-woman picture I had included in my collage and I wavered no more. I was motivated and energized to jump on my mini-trampoline and lift those barbells.
Example of Vision Board Success: My Sister’s Story
My sister was going through a very difficult time in her life. Her house and business burnt down taking all of her possessions with the exception of about 5 items she managed to escape with. Fleeing the building she fell on the ice breaking her arm in a way that required surgery.
She was a single woman starting over from scratch─with a broken arm. She had to rebuild her business and her home. Basically she was rebuilding her life.
She made a vision board. Her vison board included financial goals, career goals, places she wanted to travel to, and relationship goals.
When she showed me her vision board, it was clear that having a loving partner was way up on her priority list. There were about five pictures that depicted love. She really wanted a partner in life.
Another thing that stood out on her vision board were mountains. She had never seen mountains and clearly she wanted to.
She worked away at rebuilding her business and reestablishing a home, but the really astonishing thing about her vison board story lies is in the romance and travel arenas.
About a year after my sister made her vision board, during her regular phone call with a long time guy friend who had offered her tremendous emotional support as she struggled with the fire aftermath, the friend asked her, “Do you think there would ever be a future for an us?”
Unlike other phases of their lives, they were both now single at the same time. They diligently asked each other questions to check their compatibility to move from friendship to partners. Both concluding “yes.” And─he lives on the other side of the country near the mountains.
She recently spent a wonderful week together with her boyfriend in a cabin in the mountains. Now they are planning how to bring their worlds together. It looks like a several year process, but that’s OK with them.
Moral of the story: There is a power in seeing where you want to be (figuratively and literally).
3 Steps for Creating a Vison Board
Using a vision board is a 3 step process:
figure out what you want in your life
create the vision board
use it
Step 1: Figure out what you want.
Get clear about your vision.
Note: Your vision for your future may change over time. This is just the vision you have moving forward from where you are now. It’s not set in stone. Don’t get stalled out by thinking about too many what ifs.
Make a list of goals that you might include on your vision board.
Consider all aspects of yourself for inclusion: body, mind, and spirit.
Consider various areas of your life:
Physical well-being: movement, fitness, eating, weight, health
Tangible: things you want to own, be around, or see
Mental: learning activities and/or goals (skills, education, certificates), creative endeavors
Emotional: risks to take, attitude you want to have
Relationships: family, friends, romance, what kind of partner you’d like to have or be
Work: career/business choice and milestones, service and volunteering
Financial: debt, saving, and earning goals
Fun: entertainment, vacations, places to visit, hobbies
Spiritual: inspiration, personal growth, and spiritual practices
Some goals you may want to make specific. For example: be a size 10, walk 3 times a week, make $100K a year, write a book about Tangier.
Some goals you may want to be more general. For example: laugh a lot, enjoy family, travel somewhere fun.
You may want to prioritize what goals you represent on your vision board. They don't all have to be on your dream board.
Begin to visualize how you can represent your goals on the board.
Step 2: Create the Vision Board
A vision board is a collage of graphics representing components of your vision for your life. It typically includes pictorial representations and words or phrases that inspire you or label an element of a goal (ie $60K).
Make a file to collect graphics. Either a physical file to place your pieces until you are ready to put them together, or a computer file to collect graphics in.
There are two ways you can put your vision board collage together:
You can create a vision board with physical materials using printed photos, magazine pictures, phrases cut from printed sources, written words, and artistic representations on a cork board, piece of paper, or poster board, or
you can create a digital vision board.
Use Canva to create your vision board for free
Canva is a great platform for making a digital vision board. (Use the Canva website or find the mobile app in your phone's app store.)
You can sign up for a free version of Canva that has plenty of assets including quick tutorials, free graphics, a variety of fonts for adding text, and vision board templates.
Where to get pictures for a vision board
You can use:
Photos you already have
Photos you take in order to capture the images you want to include on your vision board
Online sources of free graphics: If you use Canva to create your vision board, there are many free graphics right on the design platform. Another great source for free photos is Pixabay.
Step 3: Use it
Take the time to acknowledge what you have accomplished in creating a vision of the life you want. Yeah! You did it!
Put your vision board where you can see it often. Let it inspire and motivate you.
Now you can use your vision board as a launching pad for creating a plan of how to get what you want, how to make your vision a reality.
For now – congratulations! You’re on your way to where you want to go! Savor the moment.
Resources to Increase Your Vision Board Success
Through decades of helping counseling clients, I've learned lots about what gets in the way of happiness and what helps make lives better. I've used that learning to create books and recordings so you can benefit from it too.
My "Silver Lining" series of journals, workbooks, and planners can help make your vision a reality. (Click on any of the titles to learn more.)
From To-Do to Ta-Done! Silver Lining 6-Month Daily To-Do List Planner
Roses, Thorns and Buds Silver Lining Journal for Daily Joys, Challenges and Inspirations
- Increasing My Happiness Quotient: Silver Lining Joy Journal & Workbook
Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up: Silver Lining Emotional Detox Journal & Workbook
Becoming Calm: Silver Lining Anxiety and Stress Resilience Workbook and Journal
- Ann Silvers
Comments 2
Ann Silvers
Hi Jen. Good to hear that you enjoyed the info about vision board why’s and how-tos. Thanks for drawing my attention to Picasa’s demise. I’ve updated the article with reference to a platform that I’ve been using lately and loving: Canva. -Ann
Boo… Such great info here.. Unfortunately Picasa is no longer available..