7 Forms of Partner Abuse

7 Forms of Partner Abuse


We most often think about physically violent acts when we think about partner abuse, but there are many methods of choice for controlling, demeaning, and punishing partners.


What's in This Post

 What is partner abuse?
 7 Forms of Partner Abuse
 Who Gets Abused?
 Partner Abuse Books


What is partner abuse?

Partner abuse is a pattern of controlling, demeaning, and/or punishing behaviors and attitudes with a dating, cohabiting, or marriage partner, during or after the relationship.

At its core, partner abuse is driven by self-centered motivations.

Abuse can range from mild to severe. Some behaviors are severely abusive even if they occur only once; others may be considered very abusive because of the number of times they occur. A variety of abusive behaviors may combine to increase the degree of abuse.

Partner Abuse Abusive Behaviors Continuum


Who Gets Abused?

Abuse of women by men dominates discussion about partner abuse, but abusive men dominating, controlling, or punishing abused women isn't the only configuration of partner abuse.

Men can also be the target of abusive wives and girlfriends. And abusive behaviors hurt the men that it is happening to. They are not somehow immune to being hurt by verbal or physical slaps, hits, and stabs. 

Partner abuse also happens in LGBTQ relationships. This is another reality that is sorely lacking in recognition. 


7 Forms of Partner Abuse

Partner abuse takes on many forms. It may be:

  1. verbal
  2. sexual
  3. financial
  4. physical
  5. spiritual
  6. legal
  7. emotional/psychological


7 forms of Partner abuse, verbal, sexual, financial, physical, spiritual, legal, emotional psychological abuse


    Partner Abuse Books

    Check out my partner abuse books to discover what each form of abuse looks like and how to have healthier happier relationships. 


    A quick look at Partner Abuse: A Concise Overview of Domestic Violence, Emotional Abuse, and the 5 Other Forms of Partner Abuse in Straight and LGBTQ Relationships



    Abuse OF Men BY Women: It Happens, It Hurts, and It's Time to Get Real About It




    A quick look at Abuse OF Men BY Women: A Concise Overview of Domestic Violence, Emotional Abuse, and the 5 Other Forms of Female on Male Spousal Abuse




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    • Ann Silvers
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