What are Fractal Patterns and How Can They Calm You

Fractal patterns are all around you in everyday things. Chances are you're drawn to these patterns but don't know why. Fractals are repeating patterns that recur on smaller and smaller scales. They are found in nature (shells, flowers, the rings of an onion), architecture, and art.
Research shows that looking at these patterns has a calming effect. The effect can be quite profound and immediate.
“Viewing mid-range Fractals reduces your physiological response to stress by up to 60%.”— R.P.Taylor, Professor of Physics, Psychology and Art, University of Oregon
What's in This Post
Examples of Fractals in Nature Images |
Fractals Can Even be Found in Food |
Examples of Fractals in Architecture Images |
Sometimes Perspective Creates the Calming Fractal Pattern |
Anxiety Books and Resources |
Examples of Fractals in Nature Images
There are many fractal patterns in nature: leaves on branches that get smaller as closer to the tip of the branch, flower petals in concentric circles, layers in a geode, ripples radiating out from the plop of a thrown stone, snail shells, and so much more.
Notice fractal patterns as you interact with nature, whether that is hiking in the woods, resting on a park bench, walking down a tree-lined street, sitting on a beach, or looking at plants in your home or office.

Fractals Can Even be Found in Food
Have fun cooking with foods that have fractal patterns. Here are some examples of fractal foods.
Examples of Fractals in Architecture Images
Fractal patterns can be incorporated into architectural design.
Sometimes Perspective Creates the Calming Fractal Pattern
Perspective can create repeating fractal patterns as repeating elements becoming smaller in the distance.
Labyrinths are Fractals
Fractal Patterns Are Used in Hypnotic Calming Art
Hypnotic art uses the calming effect of fractal patterns to help people relax their mind.
Notice Fractals
Notice fractals around you in nature, food, architecture, art . . . . If you find them calming, purposefully bring them into your life using pictures, plants, or design in your home, workplace, and yard.
Anxiety Books and Resources
I have helped thousands of people reduce their anxiety and improve their ability to deal with stress. Along the way, I've written books and created recordings so that more and more people can benefit from what I've learned about what works and doesn't work.
- Ann Silvers
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