Anxiety Worksheets, Books, and Recordings by Ann Silvers

Anxiety Worksheets, Books, and Recordings by Ann Silvers


I understand anxiety because I've dealt with it myself. From that place of understanding, I've helped counseling clients overcome every level of anxiety, from stress and generalized anxietyto panic and phobias. 

I've learned to tackle anxiety from a variety of angles that take into account that anxiety is both a mental/emotional phenomenon and a physical one. 

I've earned certificates in anxiety treatment approaches, including neuroscience, hypnotherapy, and Integrative Medicine for Mental Health. These diverse tools have allowed me to create effective strategies tailored to individual needs.

All that learning and experimenting to discover what helps and doesn't help, informed several anxiety-related books and hypnosis recordings that I've written and recorded.


A Quick Look at Anxiety

My "A Quick Look at" series of short books presents self-help topics in a straight-to-the-point format that makes it easy to grasp ideas and put them into action. 

A Quick Look at Anxiety Book


A Quick Look at Anxiety is available in several formats:


Becoming Calm Anxiety Workbook: Worksheets and Journal


 Becoming Calm: Silver Lining Anxiety and Stress Resilience Workbook and Journal


I love workbooks because they let me give a little information or a helpful tip followed immediately by an exercise for you to put that information to use before moving on to the next piece that builds on that learning. Compared to traditional books, workbooks more closely resemble therapy. 

Becoming Calm includes:

  • information about anxiety,

  • instruction and exercises for processing anxious feelings and thoughts,

  • helpful anti-anxiety tips, and

  • journal pages with prompts to digest anxiety from the past and as it arises in your current life. 

Becoming Calm: Silver Lining Anxiety and Stress Resilience Workbook and Journal is available on Amazon. 

Feed Your Calm


Feed Your Calm: Anti-Anxiety Anti-Stress Diet and Supplement Tips for Stress Resilience


I have always included questions about supplements taken and dietary choices such caffeine consumption in personal history intake forms for my clients. But a few years ago, I really upped my game by studying for a Certificate in Integrative Medicine for Mental Health (a relatively new health discipline that appreciates the connection between supplements/diet/lifestyle and mental health).

I spent 4 years researching and writing Feed Your Calm because I wanted to base the book on science rather than popular opinion. There isn't as much research performed about natural ways to improve health compared to that done on pharmaceuticals, but if you dig, there is solid research to be found. 

I was already having really good success reducing my own anxiety and that of my clients, but utilizing the advice that I discovered and wrote about in Feed Your Calm has resulted in faster and more long-lasting improvement.

(Disclaimer: I make no promises of benefits and note that books don't replace individual consultations with personal medical professionals.)

Feed Your Calm: Anti-Anxiety Anti-Stress Diet and Supplement Tips for Stress Resilience is available on Amazon. 


Discover Calm Hypnosis Downloadable Audio MP3 Recording

Discover Calm Anti-Anxiety Hypnosis mp3 downloadable recording 

Hypnosis is a great match for anxiety: it helps you physically relax while it trains your brain to be less anxious. 

Each of my hypnosis recordings is designed to listen to any time you have about a half-hour to relax or as you are going to sleep. You can fall asleep 2 seconds in and they can still work. 

Most people listen to them as they are going to sleep. Most people report that they find it helps them get to sleep more easily (quiets the circular ruminating common with anxiety) and that they get a more refreshing sleep. Several people who listened to the recordings out loud (rather than with ear buds or headsets) reported that not only did they sleep bettertheir dogs even slept better!

Discover Calm Anti-Anxiety Hypnosis mp3 downloadable recording is available on my eStore. 

You may also find another of my hypnosis recordings helpful: Release and Refresh Emotional Detox Hypnosis downloadable recording. It's great for effortlessly processing through some of your emotional baggage from difficult experiences or stressors, lowering your emotional pain and discomfort baseline down to a more doable level.


Anxiety Counseling Therapy in Gig Harbor area and Washington State

I am a Washington State Licensed Mental Health counselor. Contact me if you are interested in learning more about how I might help make your life better. 

Click here to go to my contact page. 

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  • Ann Silvers
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