
100 Short Positive Life Quotes to Get Thru Difficult Times

100 Short Positive Life Quotes to Get Thru Difficult Times 0

The Coronavirus crisis is creating a lot of stress and anxiety for a lot of people. To help you deal with the stress without losing your mind or ruining your relationships, I put together a compilation of 100 inspiring quotes for dealing with hard times and sprinkled in reflection prompts and anti-anxiety resources.  

Hopefully, one or more of these encouraging words of wisdom from a wide range of people will spur you on and lift you up during the current crisis and other hard times. 

30 Positive Affirmations to Get Through Tough Times

30 Positive Affirmations to Get Through Tough Times 0

Affirmations can lift you up, encourage you, and strengthen you to get through tough times including this Coronavirus challenge.

"Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day." — Dalai Lama

I've listed over 30 possible affirmations. Mix them together or change them to what works for you. Experiment with some for a while and alter them if you think something might work better for you. 

3 Quick Relaxing Meditations to Relieve Anxiety and Stress

3 Quick Relaxing Meditations to Relieve Anxiety and Stress 0

Click for 3 simple— and even fun— “meditations” that can help you quickly reduce your anxiety in stressful situations.

They involve breathing, smiling, and laughter. 

Calming Anxiety by Reducing It to Concern

Calming Anxiety by Reducing It to Concern 0

Anxiety is heightened fear. Anxiety can grab your brain and make it spin. It is painful and it gets in the way of you dealing logically with whatever created the anxiety. 

Some people try to avoid anxiety by going to an oblivious or numb place. They pretend there's no problem. Pretending there's no problem isn't going to solve the problem either. 

Spinning won't make the problem go away and pretending there's no problem won't make the problem go away. The solution lies in between these two: concern.

Concern allows you to calmly examine the problem and deal with it. 

How to Get Vitamin C to Boost Your Immune System and Stress Resilience

How to Get Vitamin C to Boost Your Immune System and Stress Resilience 0

Most people know that vitamin C can help you fight off a cold or flu, but did you know that it can help you deal with stress and reduce anxiety? 

Two places in your body that are crucial to how you deal with stress and whether it becomes anxiety are your brain and your adrenal glands. They are also two of the places in your body with the highest concentration of vitamin C.

What I cover in this post

  • How to get vitamin C: What to look for in Vitamin C supplements
  • Recommended amounts
  • How to get vitamin C: Vitamin C food sources
Ann Silvers' Books on Amazon

Ann Silvers' Books on Amazon 0

I now have 15 books on Amazon. Topics include anxiety help, what works and doesn't work in relationships, and emotional intelligence skills.

This post includes links for each of my books on Amazon.