Ann Silvers Interviews about Abusive Women and Abused Men

Because of my book Abuse OF Men BY Women: It Happens, It Hurts, and It's Time to Get Real About It, I've done many radio, TV, and podcast interviews explaining how and why some women abuse their husbands and boyfriends, and what can be done to help. Here are links and summaries for some of my interviews.
Click on the titles or graphics to go to sites that host each interview.
Femsplainers Podcast
When Women Abuse Men: It's Real so Why Don't We Talk About It?
My portion of this Femsplainers Podcast episode starts at 9:40.
Some of the topics we cover in the Femsplainers podcast (with links to related blog posts):
The motivating drives in partner abuse are to control, demean, or punish.
How women overcome any size differential to physically abuse a man who is larger than she is.
The 7 forms of partner abuse: physical, sexual, verbal, emotional/psychological, legal, financial, and spiritual.
Why men and people in general are reluctant to recognize partner abuse by women (even when it's happening to them.)
FTD Talk Series, Podcast, UK
In this podcast, I talk about ways women abuse men, and make mention of the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard story as an example of people having difficulty believing that men can be abused, while far too easily believing any woman who claims to be a victim of domestic violence.
I have several blog posts about The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard story:
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Relationship and Legal Battles Timeline,
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Audio Recording Sept 2015 Transcript and Analysis, and
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard May 2016 Domestic Violence Abuse Accusation, What Happened?
Real Men Feel Video Podcast with Andy Grant
The Abuse of Men By Women | Abuse Doesn't Care About Gender
To listen on Spotify, click here.
Here's a breakdown of the Real Men Feel video podcast. I've added some links to blog posts where I talk more about these subjects.
(1:01) How did you first get interested in the abuse of men in relationships?
(5:25) How might women abuse men?
(7:01) Is any type of abuse against men most common?
(7:41) Is any kind more harmful?
(8:16) I’ve long heard that all abusers have been abused, is prior abuse why women would abuse men? (For more info: 72 Reasons Why Women Abuse Men.)
(10:12) Does narcissism show up in emotional abuse too?
(15:05) Does any reason make it more likely than others that someone will be abusive?
(17:03) How does financial abuse show up?
(18:59) What about legal abuse?
(20:42) Are the laws and courts catching up with the fact abuse can go in both directions?
(22:55) What lures a man into such a relationship?
(26:49) Why do men stay in abusive relationships?
(27:41) Do abusers realize they are abusive?
(29:33) Why aren’t more people talking about the abuse of men?
(31:50) What do you suggest for a man who realizes he’s in an abusive relationship?
(36:47) Anything to share with women who see they are an abuser?
(41:58) Can couples recover from this and have the relationship survive?
(44:16) What can friends, family, society as a whole do regarding the abuse of men by women?
(48:17) What’s the best way for people to learn more about what you are up to? Click here for a list of my books on Amazon. Podcast, Abused Men and Abusive Women
In this podcast, we talk about abuse of men by women and also some advice about healthy relationships.
Some of the topics that we cover in this podcast and links to my related blog posts and books:
Why is the culture so blind to abuse when men are being abused by women? For more check out my post: Why is it So Hard To Recognize Abuse OF Men BY Women as a Problem?
Why are people abusive? Check out 72 Reasons Why Women Abuse Men
7 forms of partner abuse: What is Intimate Partner Abuse?
My book about tact: A quick look at Talking With Tact: Simple Powerful Assertiveness Training to Help You Tactfully Say What You Mean Without Being Mean
My workbook for working through your emotional pain and discomfort, including anger: Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up: Silver Lining Emotional Detox Journal & Workbook
I have several blog posts about The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard story: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Relationship and Legal Battles Timeline, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Audio Recording Sept 2015 Transcript and Analysis, and Johnny Depp and Amber Heard May 2016 Domestic Violence Abuse Accusation, What Happened?
14 Reasons Why People Don't Just Leave an Abusive Relationship: Why Do People Stay in Abusive Relationships
Radio Europe Interview on IHeart Radio: Abused Men and Abusive Women
This one is short, but touches on many points including financial abuse and spiritual abuse.
Note: This Radio Europe interview and several other interviews listed on this page were set up with the help of Domestic Abuse and Violence International Alliance — DAVIA, a network of organizations from around the world with a common goal to "ensure that domestic violence and abuse policies are inclusive, family-affirming, and based on science." |
Raising Awareness About Domestic Violence Against Men (
This interview about abusive women is a Houston TV news segment.
In Issah Factor interview, I mention my post Mental Health and Partner Abuse Resources for Men.
Equality and Empathy for Boys & Men (EBM) Interview
Blair Daly of Equality and Empathy for Boys and Men created segmented videos of our interview. For links to each segment, click here.
Other Interviews |
Richard Syrett Radio Interview About Abuse Of Men by Women, audio link, transcript and added information |
Abuse OF Men BY Women Book
- Ann Silvers
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